How to prevent hair loss in women

How to prevent hair loss in women

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your hair has gotten thinner, or you are finding loads of hair in the shower, on your pillow or your hairbrush.

Don’t panic, we are here to explain what exactly hair loss is and how to control it.

If you would like to know more about home remedies for hair loss, click here.

Moderate hair loss

We’re not talking about genetic baldness here. In this article, we explain the common causes of non-chronic hair loss and provide some useful tips to keep your hair healthy and stop it from falling out.

Causes of hair loss

Among the causes of (non genetic) hair loss, many are related to external factors, specific conditions, certain illnesses or lifestyles. We have included some very common causes of hair loss, and others that aren’t so common, so that you can identify what is happening in your specific case and how to combat it.

Hormonal changes and medical illnesses

Estrogen (the female sex hormone) is the hormone responsible for thick, beautiful hair. Sometimes, either due to stress, thyroid problems, or hormone medication, our hormonal system becomes unbalanced and our bodies begin secreting more androgens (male hormones that are also present in women, but in smaller amounts). When this happens, it starts to affect hair growth.

In these cases, dermatologists may prescribe antiandrogens, but generally, we recommend that you try to relax a little. Meditate, listen to what your body is telling you; usually, when you lower your stress levels, your hormone levels start to balance out too. Remember, difficult times will pass and your life will keep going. Try to reduce the amount of stress in your life or fill it with positive adrenaline instead.

Other changes that may affect your hormones and thus your hair growth, include contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause or other significant stages of a woman’s life.


Usually, when you are pregnant, your estrogen levels increase and your hair becomes naturally thick and glossy. Then, after having the baby, your hormone levels suddenly change, which affects the whole body, including hair growth.

It is very common to suffer from hair loss during this stage, but this is completely normal. Give your body a few months to adjust and regulate itself and your hair should return to normal.

Medication and supplements 

Some medication, such as those that contain beta blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamines, levadope, chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants and even ibuprofen, may cause hair loss.

In these cases, you should tell your doctor about your hair loss and any worries you may have so that, together, you can find a solution.

Diet and environment

Malnutrition, extreme weight loss diets and lack of vitamins and minerals can have a negative impact on the health of your hair. Equally, a highly polluted (like in some cities) or stressful environment can also contribute to hair loss.

What you can do is maintain a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables. Some external factors are inevitable, but in these cases you can use hair masks to stimulate growth.


Emotional stress, caused by either physical or mental trauma, can contribute to hair loss. Stress can cause hormone imbalances and impact your overall health.

Again, stop worrying. We know it’s easier said than done, but the important thing is that you adopt healthy habits that help you lead a more relaxed lifestyle. This depends entirely on you and what you like. If you like sport, do it; if you want something less intense, try yoga or Tai Chi; if you are more artistic, listen to music or paint; if none of these appeal, try taking a calming bath.

Why not get up a bit earlier in the morning to plan your day and dedicate some time to doing something relaxing? Your mind and body will thank you.

Hairstyles and hair treatments 

Excessive hair styling or aggressive hair treatments not only weaken your hair, but they can also affect hair growth. The following treatments can significantly damage your hair and cause it to look thinner:

  •         Highlights
  •         Dyes
  •         Frequent coloring
  •         Perms
  •         Use of hair straighteners and blow dryers

Sometimes, dye is left in the hair for too long, or an unexpected chemical reaction occurs, which may directly cause hair loss.

Relax; the best remedy, is time. Over time, you can nourish your hair with masks, treatments, serums and special shampoos. Avoid dyeing your hair for a while to give it time to recover and be sure to wash it carefully and not too often.

Lack of nutrients

Hair loss due to nutritional deficiencies can be resolved by making some healthy changes to your diet. Talk to your doctor to about which amino acids, vitamins or minerals you should be incorporating.


Iron deficiency is very common in women between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. This is a frequent cause of hair loss, but fortunately, there is a simple solution. Consult a doctor and get tested for anemia, so that they can prescribe you suitable iron supplements.

You could also incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet, such as spinach and algae, paired with foods high in vitamin C to enhance iron absorption.


When the thyroid glands don’t produce enough hormones, it causes a hormonal imbalance that may result in hair loss.

In this case, you should talk to your doctor so that they can carry out the necessary tests and prescribe you suitable medication to control the thyroid

Vitamin B deficiency 

Occasionally, hair loss can be triggered by a lack of vitamin B. This is easy to resolve, you only have to increase your consumption of this vitamin, either through supplements or incorporating it into your diet with foods such as leafy vegetables, seeds, dried fruit, cauliflower, orange, etc.

Sudden weight loss 

When you lose weight in a very short amount of time, even if its a healthy amount, your body suffers a lot of stress. As soon as you lose weight, your body experiences a loss of vitamins and minerals that it was relying on before.

However, this is perfectly normal. Usually, the body will adjust and balance out over time.

Excess chemicals in the hair

As we mentioned above, exposing your hair to chemical treatments can severely damage your hair and even cause it to start falling out.

We recommend avoiding external aggressors, which means protecting your hair from the sun and any potentially damaging products, and not dyeing or washing it too often.

Tips for healthy hair and preventing hair loss

Here are some general tips to keep your hair thick and healthy and control hair loss.

Healthy diet

Follow a varied, healthy diet, made up of fresh and natural foods. Increase your intake of fruit, vegetables and water. It is no secret that a balanced diet contributes to overall health, inside and out.

Take care with medication 

As you now know, some medication (actually, quite a lot) can trigger hair loss. If this has happened to you, talk to your doctor about finding a solution.

Important tip: never self-medicate, as this can have serious consequences.

Mind-body balance

Find a balance between your mind and body. Both are essential for your health, so don’t neglect either of them.

If you some aspect of your mind or body doesn’t feel right, consult with a specialist. Don’t be afraid to talk to a psychologist or a doctor about how you feel, the sooner you seek treatment, the easier it will be to resolve.  

Work-life balance

Remember that life isn’t just about work. We know it can be difficult to find a balance that allows you to find time for yourself, your friends, your partner, your family and your daily chores, but it is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body.

By getting organized and establishing a routine, you will see that achieving balance is in fact, entirely possible.

Regular exercise

Exercising regularly, even just 15 minutes a day, will make a huge difference to your physical and mental health.

Find a sport that works for you: swim, dance, play soccer or basketball with friends, practice martial arts, or if you are lucky, you could even enlist your partner’s help to get your heart rate up 😉

Look after your hair (avoid straighteners, dyes, etc.)

Give your hair the care it deserves. Just like every other part of your mind and body, you should treat your hair carefully and delicately, which means avoiding straighteners, dyes, chemical treatments, excessive sun exposure, etc. You know better than anyone what is damaging for you.

Give your hair some love this week. Why not try a strengthening, revitalizing hair mask?